Matrimonial Meet at Bardoli
The Bardoli Jarthosti Anjuman will be hosting a “Matrimonial Meet” for eligible single Parsis, on 20th & 21st November, 2010 at Bardoli.
The participants should reach Bardoli either on 19th evening or latest by 20th morning and leave on the evening /night of 21st November 2010.
The participants will be accommodated in hotels and best of food Parsi will be served. We will see to it that the participants enjoy themselves thoroughly, at the same time give them ample opportunities to select their future partners – guiding and counseling them.
Results being the criteria for success, we want this meet to be a huge success.
Registration charges (inclusive of everything) are Rs. 500/- per person, payable along with the registration form. Please click here to download the BardoliJarthostiAnjuman_MatrimonialMeetForm
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Pervez B. Mehta – 02622 229270
Mrs. Zarine H. Patrawala – 0261 2258647
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