Will Zoroastrianism Survive?

Will Zoroastrianism Survive? By Yezad Kapadia Having just returned from a trip to the north of Europe, during which I could interact with many Zoroastrians in different geographic locations, I thought I would put down my thoughts on paper and post them on our website. In Oslo we caught

2022-08-23T17:06:30+05:30September 9th, 2010|Categories: Community Matters|Tags: |7 Comments

Navroze ’10 Celebrations and Talk of Change via Times of India

Navroze '10 Celebrations and Talk of Change via Times of India "Acutely conscious of the threat to its existence, the community is now talking of change even as it preserves its culture and heritage. At the gathering on Thursday evening, there was a vibrant display of sarees worn in

2022-08-23T20:27:43+05:30August 20th, 2010|Categories: DPA Activities|Tags: , |0 Comments
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