Zarthost No Deeso

Today marks the day when our most revered Prophet Asho Zarathushtra, ascended the highest heaven after completing his journey on earth.

2022-08-27T16:07:25+05:30May 23rd, 2020|Categories: Zoroastrianism|1 Comment

Dastoor Meherjirana Library: Oxford of Gujarat

Dastoor Meherjirana Library: Oxford of Gujarat I never saw such a fine collection in a small town, and it does honour to the generosity of the donors and to the zeal for instruction of the Parsi population at Navsari. This visit will remain one of the best remembrances of

2022-08-27T16:12:24+05:30November 11th, 2017|Categories: Zoroastrianism|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Among the Zoroastrians: An American in Iran

Among the Zoroastrians: An American in Iran One of our members, Arnavaz Malhotra pointed me to this fascinating feature article that appeared in the Washington Post titled "Among the Zoroastrians" with interviews by Jackie Lyden and photographs by Nancy Andrews. The article vividly brings out the culture and lives of

2022-08-26T16:35:11+05:30December 7th, 2007|Categories: Zoroastrianism|Tags: , |0 Comments
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